Sudoku Help
This page helps you solve any sudoku. The rules of the game are documented in Wikipedia.Instructions
Start game: Easy, hard, very hard or random. Click on numbers: All possibilities are updated. (Button "Undo" undoes an incorrect entry)Click on numbers + press the Delete-Button: Delete the clicked number.
Representing the Sudoku during its Solution Process
There seems to be a common understanding of how to represent a sudoku as a string for sharing sudokus. It's a string of 81 numbers, each representing the number set or "0" if no number was set in the in a number-cell. An example: 000012034000056078000000000000000000410000085290000067000000000120039000980047000. The problem I came around was: How do you encode a sudoku with ruled-out numbers? The player has ruled out some candidates and deleted them from the possibilities in the cell. The representation has to be a string that can be shared via web and email and that can easily be copy-pasted. This means that- it must be a printable string
- it should be backward-compatible
- it must use the numbers 1 to 9 to represent a set number in a number-cell
- it must be parse able with a reasonably lax sudoku parser taking a 81 character input
- it should be easy to implement
- it should be human read- and understandable
- second page